Gern. 474 Quality of Life


Quality of life is the key factor because a long live with a poor quality of life factor makes for a miserable existence. The three legged concept of mental, physiological and social triangle is key to the long life of quality. The nine recommendations for a long lifeis a blue print that I believe if adopted makes for meaning and purpose.  It also increases a person's health quotient.  I am listing them for emphasis and also as a copy for my own living.

·         Move Naturally

o   Take the stairs and go on hikes   

·         Cut Calories

o   Use smaller plates and eat slowly

·         Avoid Meat

o   Eat Four servings of vegetables per day

·         Drink Red Wine

o   Prevent cardiovascular disease with one serving a day

·         Think Big

o   Find a purpose in life and a partner to share it with.

·         Slow Down

o   Take time to relieve stress and meditate

·         Belong

o   Find a faith community or build a healthy social network

·         Focus on Family

o   Live together and establish family rituals

·         Seek Community

o   Surround yourself with like-minded friends

Many of these points make sense to me, but I would add: keep learning, experiment with different ideas, keep an open mind, and travel. I am currently suffering from a chronic condition type II diabetic which I found out in December.  I have changed many of my unhealthy lifestyle choices so that I can eliminate the pain that I am suffering from.  I currently suffer from peripheral neuropathy in my hands and feet.  I have changed doctors because I was bounced from doctor to doctor after my doctor of eight years retired.  I am not currently on diabetic medication.   Instead, I have restricted my self from drinking soda and eating sugar-based products.  I have gone on a regimen of fruits and vegetables.  I have incorporated smoothies to my daily diet.  I have cut out red meat except for occasionally having a In-n-Outprotein-style hamburger.  By doing this and incorporating walking a mile and a half daily, I have lost thirty five pounds and lowered my A1C blood sugar   dangerously high 11.8 to 7.9 a statistical significant lowering .  I am going to add the one glass of red wine daily to my regimen as I have often heard that is a key in reducing the chance of a heart attack along with an aspirin regiment. The other changes I have made include taking daily vitamins including B-12 an essential vitamin for healthy nerves system.  The nerves system is comprised of the central nerves this includes the spine and the brain and peripheral nerves. I began suffering from the neuropathy in my feet about three years ago and visited four different podiatrists with all claiming I had Mortin’s  Norma after avoiding having surgery for two years I finally agreed and had bi-lateral foot surgery with no relief I visited another podiatrist after surgery did not help who finally diagnosed the condition correctly amazing that doctors make such mistakes after talking to my chiropractic friend he asked if they had me do an MRI prior to surgery I stated no his response was “you can only tell Mortin’s  Norma with a MRI” I was very frustrated by this but as the surgery had been in July 2006 I feel I have little recourse.      Due to this misdiagnoses I belief my Diabetic condition may have been with me allot long than just December 2009, my family history is that my maternal Grandmother also suffered from type II diabetic and was insulin dependent from early age. In addition because of this misdiagnoses the neuropathy spread to my hands which I have constant burning and sharp pains.  So quality of life that the article addresses is key to me because of misdiagnoses and improper care on my part and my doctor’s part I will be in constant pain, the only solution is to take anti-depressants that have a residual effect on neuropathy but side effects   are worse than just living in pain.      I know this piece is not what is are problems but instead looking at aging healthy but since I am suffering  currently I wanted to address the counter possibility of not adopting these techniques for healthy living. Dan Buettner observations may be key to helping aging population but people need to incorporate these changes in their early years to get the benefit. Maybe with a universal health care system and the burden put on tax payers. People will demand changes, I currently substitute teach for Long Beach Unified School district and see vending machines with soda’s and candy bars just like on our own campuses. In the pursuit of profit we are endangering a whole generation of young people. Hopefully reading this article young student will adopt Mr. Buettner’s philosophy on health and quality of life.  Dr. Robert Kane critique of the piece that it is interesting but needs further investigation is adequate appraisal “I think what he has done is interesting and has made this popular, but its not based on strong science”   The most important take away is that popular medicine and science needs to be observant of these issues and to investigate phenomenon such as longevity and quality of life. As we increase the years of life from the meager years of 45 at beginning of the 19th century  and middle of 19th century of 67 to the start of this century to age 85 we need to improve the quality of life not just the quantity of life . Modern medicine is both obsolete in its treatment of patients and ideas the medical profession is learning with the explosion of information and the greater knowledge of patients access to information,  Doctors are no longer white jacket wearing wizards that dispense health with  a prescription pad, but must become coaches and mentors to patients in the pursuit of quality of life.